Monday, July 24, 2017


 Perasaan memang hanya sebuah perasaan. Sesuatu yang orang selalu kata tidak perlu dilayan sangat. But still, it's a feeling. It still something that kept tightly within us.

 Seorang demi seorang sahabat saya, sering meluahkan apa yang dirasakan. Bicara tentang perasaan. Dan rata rata atau saya boleh kata semua ( setakat ni ) meluahkan betapa sakitnya perasaan itu menyeksa mereka. Perasaan yang tak terbalas atapun sekadar sakitnya memendam rasa itu.I'm not really the right person to speak about this stuff but I can say that mostly for girls this age is the falling in love and heartbroken phase. Yeah, falling in love and get heartbroken and then falling in love again and again and then get broken again. That cycle keep going and going. Kadang rasa sangat bersimpati bila dengar kisah yang camtu tapi apakan daya hanya mampu memberi pinjam telinga, beri nasihat apa yang perlu sebab nak memujuk tidaklah begitu reti. Apatah lagi kalau sampai menangis, kita pun terasa sebak sekali. Tapi begitulah hidup, tak dapat nak lari. Because even we tell our hearts not to fall, you know.. it just wont listen.

 Biasa satu ayat ni akan keluar dari mulut mereka, ' Taknak suka orang dah ' or ayat yang lebih kurang tapi semua bawa maksud sama. Serik nak jatuh cinta, masing masing memilih untuk tutup hati. Benda ni sangat dirasai sebab saya pun pernah camtu. Okay taknak citer pasal saya kat sini. Just my point is mereka ini memilih untuk menutup rapat hati mereka sebab.. rasa sakit yang seakan tak tertanggung. Feel like they will be fine by themselves, tak perlu orang lain. Pasal tu saya taknak ulas panjang panjang but each person might has different view as we live our life differently and we have different expereiences. Also, the way we think and look at something really depend on what we meet in our life.

 To be honest, I dont have a really clear reason why I'm writing this but it could be because my friends always talking about this to me and I always be the listening ear even I'm also struggle with my own feeling. And when something like this happen, I tend to observe the situation, trying to understand and find solution ( if there is ). I really want to help my friends if I can or at least I find way to comfort them. Also, we dont just learn lessons from our own story but also from others too. If we really open our eyes ( mind and heart  too of course ), sure there will be a lot to be learnt. And me too, still in process to understand the lesson. And if I have understand the lesson properly, I will share it in future post. InshaAllah.y

Semoga hati dan diri kita akan terus dan bertambah kuat dan tabah. Moga dapat sentiasa mempraktiskan sifat sabar dalam menghadapi cabaran hidup ini. Dan moga sentiasa ingat bahawa Allah sentiasa bersama orang yang sabar :)

P/s: Esok ujian, menangislah daku ~~

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