Everyone has their own number one and my number one is my mom. My mom. She was diagnosed with SLE on August 2001. I'm still little back then, too young even to understand about life. Of course I don't even know what happen that time,how it started.
At the age that I started to have memory, I'm already used to that hospital routine. I remember until now, playing at the hospital playground, eating at the café and buying steamed bun everytime I went there. Those routine become my favourite. Food at the cafeteria is like a buffet to me. I like to eat there even now.
Too used to that routine make me almost forget about something. Yeah, it's because I'm too used to it, I forget to be grateful for many things. Grateful for my mom that still breath today and able to move freely. For healthy person, it may be nothing but for someone with SLE, it's blessing. Most of people with SLE can't even get up from their bed and they usually survive for few years. And yet, my mom already survived for fifteen years and she can still get up from bed everyday. Although it's because she takes her pills, it's okay, it still much better that way.
As we all know, hospital prescription don't really cure disease. As for my mom, it only slow down and deactivate the disease. The effect is still there but it come little by little. And, there is also effect of taking the pills. Like we used to hear, drug in pills can damage the kidney. For now, my mom's is still in good condition. I can't imagine what if it happen. She had a lot already.
Dear people outside there, if you still have a mother, appreciate it. If your mother is still healthy, appreciate it. It really break your heart if your mother is sick. Believe me. In future, your mother is getting old and she may not be healthy as before. Treat your mother more properly that time. Sick people has a lot to struggle so please support them physically and emotionally. Study about their disease if you can so you can understand better what they are going through. I say this as I'm not a good daughter and I know how bad I am.
Even in that condition, my mom did raise my sis and I well. We still get a proper education. We learnt reading and other basics from our parents. We did get a lot of education at home. This show how much a mother plays a role in the children life especially towards their upbringing. To be honest, I'm glad that my mom is always at home as she has time to spend with me.
From my mom,i learn a lot. Learn how to be a good mother and daughter. Being a mother is definitely not easy. Even when the children all grown up. Based on Tales of Mothers: The Greatest Love, mother is someone who will love you unconditionally, till her last breath. A mother, someone who willing to sacrifice everything for her children. As my mom, she sacrifice her own importance as she send her far away from home even she really need her children beside her. If that family has a lot of children, it may not matters but for small family like mine, it does matter. That's why we must not forget, behind our success, there is others' sacrifice.
As daughter, even in hard situation, mother is still come first. I can see how my mom put my grandma first even she's not well. It is a shame that I don't do the same.
Everything that I write isn't just to tell a tale about my mom. The main purpose is I want to share the lesson that I get from my surrounding as each person experience differently to each other.
Last thing, if we truly love our mother, tell them so they know it. We don't know when the last moment will come so don't be late or we will regret it soon.
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